The first place on the web to feature my Romanov art was
The Sword and the Sea. A wonderful blog about Baltic culture and much more.
Thanks Materhorn! Your support means a great deal.
In July I had the privilege to be interviewed by Laura Mabee and was featured on her amazing Romanov site, This was such an honor! Every Romanov enthusiast knows about Frozentears!
Thank you Laura! You put together such a beautiful page for me too!
Then in Sept 2011, a cultural blog in Russia did a post about my work after I left a link in the comment section of a wonderful post devoted to the family's nursing during WW 1. The photo files are stunning. This is thier post from July 17th
Thanks to my friend Nadine ,a.k.a Voyage of Freedom , for telling me about this amazing blog. You can imagine how thrilling it was they thought enough of my work to feature it.
The blogger's name is Leonsija and that's all I know.
We communicate via Google translation!
As for my current Romanov painting of Anastasia, I hope to post it within two weeks.